God has heard our prayers and has answered! JaiLi is out of the hospital and doing so much better. She is drinking her milk without coughing and choking! Praise The Lord!!!! For He is Good! Thank You Jesus for this miracle you have given us!!!
JaiLi is so much better! She is off the feeding tube and eating about 3 oz each time she eats, she has gained weight! She has no fever and no IV! God is So Great! Look at all that hair! Holly says it is curly! She said JaiLi is the first Asain baby she has seen with curly hair!
Yay!!! JaiLi is out of the NICU!!! She is doing so much better, her white blood cells are normal & her breathing isn't labored any more. God is so Good!
JaiLi Rose is in the hospital with pneumonia. She has a feeding tube in her mouth and has oxygen going into her nose. They say she is better today. Please pray for her.
It came! We got our referral today. This precious baby girl will be ours soon! I know there is lots to do in between looking at her beautiful face and the time I get to hold her in person. But I will endure these months like a good soldier. God will give me strength, He will have to, I have none on my own!